We believe strongly in the principle of tithing and offering, when Malachi said bring the tithe into the storehouse we think it means just that.
The storehouse is where you feed from or your covering
Congregations must transition from the law of tithing to the spirit of tithing by being an example in this respect.
We are of the opinion that the treasury of a local congregation must tithe of her whole income received, this is a divine principle, if followed it will provide supernatural blessings naturally and become the genesis of a continuous lifestyle of giving.
By tithing the Lord is acknowledged as the source and provider of all income-the scripture are emphatic, the tithe is the Lord.
According to Malachi it provides protection and insurance against the devourer. The tithe principle is the school master instructing and nurturing a lifestyle of giving.
According to the principle of tithing, the tithe must go to the storehouse. In essence, the storehouse in the Old Testament was not a magnificent temple but the priest who worked in the Temple.
According to the Old Testament, the tithe was used to pay them salaries to ensure that they lived comfortable lives.
There is no record in scripture of the tithe being used primarily for the building of the Temple- this was done from special offerings taken.
In the New Testament, the personnel who labour among the people are the storehouse-when people bring their tithes, it is to primarily sustain and provide for those who supply spiritual sustenance among them.
From this, we glean a principle that the tithe must be given to the storehouse. In context the local congregations, the tithe must go to the storehouse(s) of that congregation
This begs the question to be asked: who are our storehouses? Who are the ministries that give us care, sustenance and provision?
The storehouse is not mission organizations, charities, airfares for traveling into mission fields and so forth.
Just as those who minister into the congregation be remunerated.
Therefore the storehouse can be a network, a denomination, an apostle or ministry which they submit to and from which they receive spiritual instruction • Lastly no one is exempted from this principle, all must tithe
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